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Fresh Street #4

Online from 2nd to 5th November 2020, the most important international seminar about Outdoor Arts

Circostrada is the European Network for Circus and Street Arts. Created in 2003 with the core mission of furthering the development, empowerment and recognition of these fields at European and international levels, over the years the network has become an important anchoring point for its members and a key interlocutor in the dialogue with cultural policy makers across Europe.

Fresh Street

Flagship events of the network, “FRESH CIRCUS” and “FRESH STREET” are international seminars that aim to improve the development and recognition of circus and street arts in Europe and across the world. The FRESH seminars are organised every year and are unmissable events that bring together the entire sector, including programmers, artists, producers, policy makers, trainers, researchers and journalists. These seminars bring together people who take part in and help develop contemporary circus and street arts, and who are looking to contribute to this exchange platform and collectively explore new areas and topics. Following these seminars, concrete proposals are made and featured in a dedicated online publication.

Turin and on web conference, November 2020 since 2nd to 5th

After the editions of Tarrega (ES), Santa Maria da Feira (PT) and Galway (IR), the FNAS will finally bring to Italy the most important international seminar dedicated to the outdoor arts. Operators from all over the world (artists, festival organizers, directors of residency and production centers, sector organizations, promotion bodies, etc.) will gather to investigate topical issues for the development of the sector and to build a path participated that highlights the virtuous developments of the national contemporary scene for public space.
An opportunity for training, growth, professionalization and visibility that is very important for the whole artistic sector which is very rich in Italy, but still not very connected with the international scene. A first step to design in a short future that international showcase that could remain over the years as a urgent window on Italian artistic excellence. Definitely an event not to be missed.
If you still don't know Fresh Street this is an opportunity to keep your professional future connected to international developments. Below we will keep you updated, from these pages, on the planned actions, including calls, participation calls, invitations, preparatory actions, deadlines and contents of the seminar.


>>> read more >>> - 2020 September 15: Call for artistic projects (deadline Sept 23rd)

>>> read more >>> - 2020 September 1: Thematic Framework

>>> read more >>> - 2019 September 23: Picture call out for FRESH STREET#4 main design

Fresh Street #4
Outdoor Arts Italia ETS, Redazione FNAS 23 settembre 2019
Condividi articolo
Formazione 2017
Programma del terzo anno FUS